18 HOLES (2 x holes 10th -18th, holes 1st - 9th are closed in winter season)

Children and juniors
from 16 to 25 years of age
Everyday (holes 10th-18th on winter greens)100 zł100 zł
Friday - Sunday and holidays100 zł70 zł
Children under 16 enter for free when playing with their parents (1 flight).

9 HOLES (holes 10th -18th)

Children and juniors
from 16 to 25 years of age
Everyday (holes 10th-18th on winter greens)100zł100 zł
Friday - Sunday and holidays100 zł70 zł
Children under 16 enter for free when playing with their parents (1 flight).


10 entrancesunavailable
5 entrances1000zł
4 people (Mon-Thu) - 18 holes480 zł
4 people (Fri - Sun) - 18 holes660zł
The whole week with no limit1100zł
Groups of more than 3 people (18 holes)25% discount
Promotions cannot be combined.


Melex 18 holes (max 4.5 h)120 -150 zł
Melex 9 holes (max 2.5 h)100-120 zł
Trolley20-25 zł


Indywidualne56500 zł
Rodzinne (z dziećmi do 18 roku życia)10500 zł
Pierwsze prawo gry na KGP 5000 zł
w trakcie lub po szkoleniu na KGP
Dzieci do 18 roku życia1000 zł
Junior, uczeń, student do 25 r. ż.1900 zł


dla osób spoza województwa opolskiego


Indywidualne5000 zł
Rodzinne8100 zł


First lesson (1-2 people)250 zł
First lesson (3-4 people)400 zł
1 lesson (1 person) - 50 min.250 zł
1 lesson (2 people)400 zł
Playing lessons (9 holes)500 zł
Playing lessons (9 holes) - (2 people)700 zł


A package of 10 lessons2200 zł
Green Card course - 1 person2200 zł
(10 lessons + exam*)
BGreen Card course - 2 people3600 zł
(10 lessons + exam*)
*exam extra pay 200 zł


Price for 10 lessons per person

Green Card Course
8-person group1000 zł
7-person group1100 zł
6-person group1200 zł
5-person group1300 zł
4-person group1400 zł
3-person group1500 zł

Baskets of balls

Basket of balls (36 pieces)14 zł18 zł
40 x koszyk piłek440zł600 zł
30 x koszyk piłek360 zł480 zł
20 x koszyk piłek260 zł340 zł
10 x koszyk piłek140 zł180 zł
Magnetic card PLN 25 (payable once).


Kij5 zł20 zł
Zestaw kijów (z torbą)50 zł100 zł
Wózek20 zł25 zł


Meleks 18 dołków (max 4,5h)120 -150 zł
Meleks 9 dołków (max 2,5h)100-120 zł

Please pay the fees for the right to play at the Karolinka Golf Park to the following account:
ING Bank Śląski S.A. 26 1050 1504 1000 0090 3220 0389
Transfer title: Annual fee 2021 name and surname (type of membership)

It is forbidden to use the Driving Range balls while playing on the golf course.
Please report to the KGP reception desk before entering the field.

Each use of the training zone must be reported at the Karolinka Golf Park Reception.
The training zone is free for people with an annual right to play or with Green Fee purchased.
Children and adolescents up to 16 years of age playing in the training zone with their parents – PLN 0.

Are you looking for a gift?

We invite you to purchase vouchers for individual lessons and lesson packages, which are a perfect Christmas/Easter or occasional gift.

We offer:

  • individual and group lessons,
  • packages of individual and group lessons,
  • golf course packages
  • annual playing packages for the 2021 season

Call  697 087 038, we will choose the best package together.

Price list